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Engulf your senses in a world where the art of consummation of a relationship connotes sex not in the regular sense, but in the allure and temptation. This category is erotic dance where performers twist, turn and groove as the pole, not necessarily in a sexual medium, but in a voyage of two people making love. As for sexuality expect to get strong clinch kisses and suggestive stoking of the possibly sensual scenes,however only getting glimpses of sex. This is a place where getting there is as much fun as getting there; where anticipation equals expectation. And here the emphasis is made on the preparation, the build-up, the naked, unadulterated desire before the actual endeavor. Much could be said of suggestion, temptation, and shear excitement of the hunt that is never really out of fashion. Well, get ready for the fascination with the unquenchable thirst of lust, but without the possibility of the act's completion. This is what makes foreplay, the difference between a touch and a look, and the hint of a move.