Here, we are in a world where lapse is blurs the line of what one may consider exquisite, the essence of the bizarre here is abolished. This category is for the brave and the bold, the rebels and the radicals as well as any ideas you can think of! Here, you meet dancers, who, when singing, also remind of the emaciated thinness of today's beauty ideal: the muscles, peeled to the bones, the cheekbones sharp as knives. Contrary to the so called âthinspirationâ videos that have been removed from YouTube in recent times, these videos are not for the lighthearted, but for a specific group of people who find beauty in emaciation. Prepare yourself for a whole lot of tease as well as pouting, sexual scenes as well as group modes, and all type of casts that do not have any qualms concerning their shape. As it is not something which could be a favorite choice for most people, this category provides an interesting way of examining the human body in its utmost essence. Where, they do not need to be extra special big and bulky but they have to be extra special courageous and spirited. Well, if one is courageous enough, the call will be 'dive in'.