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Real-time XXX footage with a GoPro camera
Step into a world where putting one's foot on the throat of the action and smiling into the lens is in living-color, no touch-up, no censoring. This category as you will agree is packed with raw passion and people exhibiting the make love not war moment. That is why the viewers can expect to watch real people who got caught on camera in the midst of performing some actions and tasks. Here you are presented with absolutely everything the people all over the world are capable of, from the warm passion of two loving hearts to the crazy parties in the hot sun. The extra-visual vantage point, together with the rather naturalistic shooting of the take, makes for an exhilarating cinematic experience on the viewer's part. Although there is no clear story when it comes to the casting and shooting of the scenes, it also works for the film because it makes every scene look almost realistic and we are just watching people's Private Lives. This category is one simple love for the raw and unshameful beauty of desire, as it is felt at the most peculiar corners. Instead, it is a good old sensory pleasure, nudity being a part of sexual experience and so much more than just tits and ass.